Following his release, Mitchell began a career in mixed martial arts.
Després del seu llançament, Mitchell va començar una carrera en arts marcials mixtes.
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Kickboxing and mixed martial arts.
Kickboxing i arts marcials mixtes.
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I want to try mixed martial arts or jujitsu.
Vull provar les arts marcials mixtes o el jujitsu.
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Occupation Mixed martial artist, American football player and Professional wrestler
Lluitador d’arts marcials mixtes, lluitador professional i jugador de futbol americà
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She later changes to the mixed martial arts club because she thinks they might be stronger.
Més tard canvia el club d’arts marcials mixtes perquè pensa que potser són més fortes.
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They will be 9 Kickboxing fights, five of them with amateur cut with beginner fighters, and the other five professional in Kickboxing and mixed martial arts mode.
Seran 9 baralles de kickboxing, cinc de tall amateur amb lluitadors principiants, i les altres cinc de caràcter professional en modalitat de kickboxing i arts marcials mixtes.
Font: AINA
They are used in Chinese martial arts.
S’utilitzen en arts marcials xineses.
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A young boy practicing martial arts.
Un nen practica arts marcials.
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Two men in red robes performing martial arts.
Dos homes de vermell practiquen arts marcials.
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Taekwondo is a form of martial arts.
El taekwondo és una forma d’arts marcials.
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